Julia Benson Shows Off Perfect Big Boobs In The Master’s Of Horror Series
Showtime networks released another awesome series called the Master’s of Horror in which they had a different really famous horror movie director, direct each episode. Julia Benson appears in the episode Right To Die and plays the wife of a dentist who is having sex with someone else and whom she is leaving. As the couple is driving home and Julia Benson is breaking up with him, the car crashes. Julia Benson is trapped under it and itĀ is leaking gasoline, however he could have saved her, instead he just watches her burn. But Julia Benson’s character doesn’t die and her spirit gets stuck between two worlds. Julia Benson then begins to haunt the dentist and appears to him totally nude in his hot tub. A naked Julia Benson then climbs on top of him and starts riding him back and forth before ultimately turning into the charred burn victim her physical form actually is.

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